So you have decided to start your own DSA Troop… TERRIFIC! We are excited about your decision, and will be here for you every step of the way.
Your DSA Troop Coordinators are Barrie Lynn and Cindi Stone. Email them at any time with questions or concerns, and even troop updates.
Please download and read all of the following documentation. It will explain everything from how to apply for a Troop Number to the optional status of a Non-Profit Subgroup. It should answer all your questions… but if not, our troops coordinators will help you out – just ask!
Once you get your Troop started and everything is in place, you can visit the Running a Troop page for more tips and information!
General Information
- DSA Position on Punishment
- What DSA Does for Members & Leaders
- DSA Troops Explained
- Is Troop Leadership for You?
- Are You Leader Material?
- Recommended Resources
Troop Information
- Checklist for Troop Formation
- Troop Leader Written Test (Apr 2012)
- Evolution of a Troop(article)
- Explanation of Dues
- Troop Leader Guidebook (Sep 2011)
- Troop Leader Guidebook – UPDATE (Jan 2014)
- Helpful Info for Troop Leaders
- Troop Leader FAQ
- Officers & Responsibilities
- Step-by-Step Storyboard for Recruiting
- Suggestions for your first troop meeting
Download all 11 in a zip file here: Troop Information files(.zip)