DSA Hike-a-Thon

June is the time to get walking!


Use FirstGiving to create a free web page allowing you to collect donations on-line:


Click here for the 2015 Hike-a-Thon Pledge Form

Across the nation, people and their dogs are hitting the trail this June. Join them in supporting Dog Scouts of America and their mission of responsible dog ownership.  Prizes will be awarded to top fundraisers. A Hike-a-Thon patch will be awarded to participants who raise a minimum of $50. Raise at least $200 and get a DSA logo bag and water bottle. Reach $500 in donations and you’ll get a $50 gift certificate to the DSA camp store and if you reach the $1,000 mark we’ll double that and make your gift certificate $100! The top fundraisers and troop teams will be announced following the end of the event.

Official Start Date: Monday, June 1, 2015 (but people are already walking!)
End Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Contact: Sally Hoyle
(734) 604-1763

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