While Lonnie was away from camp, Sparky snuck into the lodge to play. Unfortunately, he got a little too rambunctious and his bouncing and enthusiastic playing caused a bulletin board to dislodge and land on top of him! Shaking off the bulletin board, Sparky thought he was fine . . . until he caught a glimpse of his reflection in a mirror and realized he had become a Flat Sparky!

Hmm, perhaps zoomies in the lodge was not the best use of his time. After some cogitating, Flat Sparky came up with an idea. Using Lonnie’s old laptop and scanner, he came up with a list of behaviors, skills and activities he’d like to do; and digitized his image with the hope that on March 3rd he could email himself to some new friends and go on an adventure.
Flat Sparky’s goal is for you and your dog(s) to complete 3 badge-related behaviors, skills or activities with him each week during the month of March as a way to encourage positive interactions and learning experiences which will enhance the canine-human bond. Flat Sparky is also excited about the possibility that his new friends won’t be limited to just his list but will include other skills and activities that he can share with Lonnie when they next meet up at Michigan camp.
Registration closes on March 10, 2023
Cost is $30 per registrant. Registration includes 1 participation patch
Additional patches are $5/each
Click HERE to register.
This virtual fundraiser runs from March 5, 2023 through April 1, 2023.
DSA membership is not required to participate.
A private Facebook group is available for registrants who would like to share their pictures and adventures, but group participation is not required for this event.
If you need a new Flat Sparky, or the “New Adventure” document to share, click HERE.